Thursday, January 19, 2023
5:30 pm ET
via Zoom
Free to WOC Members
As we look forward to what 2023 has to offer us, we are inviting you to join us for WOC Connections: Envisioning Your Future!
What is your “professional vision” for 2023? Are you thinking a slight career change or a major overhaul? Are you contemplating other lifestyle changes or merely want a refresh?
Join us for a special evening of mapping out your year ahead and how we can all support each other. Bring supplies and magazine clippings if you desire to start on your vision board during our time together! Or if you prefer a virtual option have those digital photos ready as well!"
Join Us
Thank you for your interest! Registration is now closed.
Registrants will receive event details prior to the event.
By registering for this Women of Color in Fundraising and Development (WOC)® event, I give consent for my photograph to be taken and possibly used on the organization’s intranet, internet, newsletters, board reports, and other organizational materials as needed. I understand that I am not eligible for compensation for use of my photo and I may not be informed in advance of the specific use of those images.
Alice McMillan, MPA Chief Executive Officer, M & C Advisors